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Monaghan Institute Students’ Union for the 2023-2024 Academic Year Announced

The very first meeting of Monaghan Institute Students’ Union (MISU) representatives took place in early October.  From setting goals to planning events for the year ahead, our students are determined to build a stronger college community together.

Monaghan Institute Students Union

Embarking on a college course is an exciting undertaking, but like all new endeavours, it brings challenges that must be met. The MISU is made up of student representatives, elected by the students. It exists to support and encourage students as they take the early steps towards their future careers

The Students’ Union also encourages a team spirit within the college, organising social events which help students integrate and to forge new friendships. This ensures that MI students can enjoy a fulfilling and rewarding student experience. The MISU has recently arranged a pizza party, bowling at GR8 in Castleblaney, and a table quiz in the college canteen. A Christmas Quiz, a Food Drive for St Vincent de Paul and a computer gaming competition are currently in the process of being organised for the weeks approaching Christmas.

The MISU also organises, manages, and promotes the various clubs and societies present within the college throughout the year. These clubs and societies can range from sporting groups – such as Gaelic, soccer or basketball – to more academic or performing focused clubs – such as drama, music, creative writing and book clubs. Clubs and societies are an important part of a student’s year at Monaghan Institute, and it is a function of the MISU to ensure that students can be involved in such an important part of the college’s ethos.

Best of luck for the year ahead everyone