COVID-19: Student and Staff Resources

Advice from the HSE


Social Distancing Advice

Department of Education & Skills Information

Mind Your Head: A Student Guide to Mental Health

Help is at Hand

Protect Each Other

Mind Yourselves

Maintain a Daily Routine

In order to remain positive and keep good mental health to focus on finishing end of year assessments, it is very important that everyone structures daily routines, as much as possible.

Keep Busy

We encourage you to check college email regularly for contacts from your tutors in relation to coursework, assessment and exam revision. Continue to work on tasks as directed by your tutors.

Stay Calm

Do not panic about exams and/or assessments. Be as best prepared as you can but remember all students in the country are in the same situation because of the Covid-19 virus closure. Your tutors are there to support you.

Mental Health Resources

Try to stay positive and follow HSE guidelines to keep you and your family safe. Below are links to the HSE website with advice on how to ‘Mind Yourself’. There are also online, and phone supports available for anyone that may need to access this.

TUSLA recommended services

Minding Your Mental Health

Support Services